The European Ceramic Society

YCN representative - Ukraine

Dariia Chernomorets

YCN representative for the Ukrainian Ceramic Society

Institute for Single Crystals of NAS of Ukraine in Kharkiv 





My name is Dariia Chernomorets, and I am a third-year PhD student at the Institute for Single Crystals of NAS of Ukraine in Kharkiv. In my work I study transparent ceramics based on yttrium oxide, their obtaining from nano-sized powders and characterization. These materials can be used in different areas, including applications in extreme conditions due to high chemical and thermal stability, good mechanical properties, and transparency in the wide range of wavelengths. I use mainly slip casting or uniaxial pressing followed by CIP as shaping techniques. At present I have already obtained highly transparent ceramics by pressing of dry powders. Currently, the main goal of my work is achieving complex shaped highly transparent Y2O3 ceramics obtained by slip casting and vacuum sintering. This is a challenging task, because on the one hand transparent ceramics require high green densities and a high solid loading of casting slurries, and on the other hand need to be produced from very fine (usually nanometric) powders in order to sinter to full density. Nanoparticles interact significantly due to their high specific surface area. In this regard, every step should be carefully controlled to produce transparent ceramic with high optical quality.

I have already experienced JECS Trust programmes and appreciate the help. Thanks to the JECS Trust Mobility, I had the funding to visit ISSMC in Faenza, Italy for 4 months in 2022, and I have been working there on my thesis in the frame of internship since, because currently it is quite difficult to continue scientific work in Kharkiv. In addition, the travel grants from JECS Trust allowed me to participate in the Shaping 8 Conference in Dübendorf (Switzerland), the 3rd YCN Workshop in Aveiro (Portugal) and the 15th ECerS Conference for Young Scientists in Ceramics in Novi Sad (Serbia) in 2022-2023. During that period, I met the YCN committee and found out that YCN is a great platform for professional and personal growth. I’m very proud to become the Ukrainian representative of the YCN and I will try to make as much effort as possible to be a “bridge” between YCN and Ukrainian ceramists to help them in such difficult times.

I’m looking forward to meeting everyone in person at the future YCN events!


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Last news

May 16, 2024
New YCN Special Issue on Open Ceramics - Young Ceramists leading the Future

The special issue will accept hitherto unpublished original results submitted both in the form of full-length scientific papers and short communications, but also review papers on the topics in the list.

May 6, 2024
Results of the 1st Bioceramics Student Speech Contest

The ECerS Bioceramics Network is delighted to announce the winners of the 1st Bioceramics Student Speech Contest, which took place online from 17 to 18 April 2024!


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